New Housing Development at Torrington, 20 St Mary’s Road

Kingston Churches Housing Association’s project team are working together to prepare a proposal for a new housing development at Torrington, 20 St Mary’s Road, Long Ditton. The scheme aims to provide housing in a form that is genuinely affordable to meet the needs of the local community.

We have developed the scheme based on pre-application advice provided by Elmbridge Council to ensure the design is developed in accordance with national and local planning policies.

The following boards explain the current site constraints, proposed design and key design considerations. Please take your time to look at the information provided. We welcome any feedback that you are able to provide.

Our aim is to deliver 11 additional one bedroom dwellings The tenure of the scheme will be 100% affordable. The dwellings will be designed to high standards meeting and in areas improving on the Building Regulations requirements.

The development aims to be eco-friendly, in terms of the energy performance of the dwellings.

The development will be designed sympathetically to respect the current site. This will include retaining key landscape features and ensuring the development does not compromise the privacy of the neighbouring properties.

The proposed design creates a mews style aesthetic, inspired by the surrounding buildings with modern elements and material use. The addition of a tiled mansard roof to the existing allows for the thermal performance to be enhanced whilst increasing density in a sustainable way. The material treatment is extended into the courtyard to create a uniform proposal with a coherent aesthetic.

We would like to hear your views on our plans for the development of the Torrington, 20 St Mary’s Road to provide affordable housing. Your feedback is important to us and your comments will be taken into consideration, where possible, prior to us submitting a full planning application to Elmbridge Council.

Privacy Statement

By filling in this form you are agreeing Kingston Churches Housing Association and West Waddy Archadia can use your personal data for design and evaluation purposes only.

Your identifiable, personal data will not be used for any other purposes without your consent. Kingston Churches Housing Association and West Waddy Archadia will use your data to:

  • Send you updates about the project (where you provide us with your contact details).
  • Develop a Statement of Community Consultation (or similar document) about this public consultation that will be submitted to the planning authority or similar body; this will be a publicly available document. Your comments will be anonymous, and we will only identify you in these reports with your express permission.

If you provide us with your contact details, we might also contact you to ask you more about the comments you’ve made.